A Guide to Aloe Vera Plant Care

A Guide to Aloe Vera Plant Care

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Aloe vera comes pretty close to being the perfect plant to care for. It is low-maintenance, doesn’t shed leaves that can be a nuisance to clean, and the gel contained in its leaves has a whole host of medicinal properties for skin care, relieving pain from sunburn and all manner of irritating skin conditions.

However, there are some things you need to know when preparing to care for this plant. This article will cover the most frequently asked questions about aloe vera plant care so you can give your succulent the best care possible! 

Can you grow aloe vera indoors?

There is sometimes ambiguity about growing aloe vera indoors. However, there shouldn’t be - you can care for aloe vera indoors and see it flourish successfully!

What is more important than where you grow your aloe vera plant is how you care for it. Aloe vera has specific growing conditions necessary for it to thrive. For example, aloe vera’s temperature tolerance is between 55 and 80°F (13 and 27°C).

Where to place an aloe vera plant in the home?

Which leads us on to where to place your succulent to ensure maximum care. People struggling to care for their succulents often ask, do aloe veras need sunlight?

Primed to thrive in the bright heat of the desert, aloe vera needs bright, natural light to grow. Therefore, to care for it properly, be sure to place it near a sunny window that gets a lot of indirect sunlight. For the best care, a west- or south- facing window is ideal. 

From there, be sure to evenly rotate your succulent once or twice weekly so all aloe leaves can benefit from and enjoy the sun’s care.

What is the best soil for aloe vera?

The best soil for an aloe vera plant growing indoors is one that is mixed and drains well. This will provide the best care for your succulent. Therefore, it needs to be aerated and light - if it is too heavy, your succulent will be more prone to overwatering and therefore more likely to rot. 

To truly give the best soil care, use a special succulent and cactus mix when potting. A mix that is equal parts potting soil and sand will also work really well and give your plant the care it needs. 

Next, consider your pot.

Techniques for potting aloe plants

There is little point putting such care into your soil, if it’s not supplemented with a good pot. So, when repotting aloe plants, take care to choose a pot that has good drainage with many holes in it - you need these to clear the water and ensure the soil doesn’t stay too moist.

Terracotta pots are best as they tend to dry faster which is perfect plant care for this desert succulent. Find a terracotta grow kit here.

These succulents grow best in snug conditions. Therefore, the pot’s diameter shouldn’t be much larger than the root ball - 1 to 2 inches bigger will be sufficient. 

Once you have ensured these two principles - that your pot is snug and aerated enough, all that’s left to do is plant your root, cover it in your succulent or sand/soil mix and get ready to care for this magical succulent! 

How to care for aloe plants?

Where most problems arise is in the watering care of this succulent. Here, we will answer some of the most common care questions around watering and maintenance.

First up, how often do you water aloe vera?

This will depend on how warm your home or garden is. In the summertime, this could be every one, two or four weeks and in the winter it could vary between every fortnight or hardly at all. Pot size and soil mixture will also determine how often you need to shower this plant for some water care. 

If you want to know how much water an aloe plant needs, always check the soil moisture before waterings. You want it to be ¾ of the way dry.

Do you water aloe vera from top or bottom?

Always water an aloe vera from the bottom. This helps the water to reach the roots and drain properly. Pour slowly and consistently and stop when you can see the water emerging from the bottom. 

The best aloe vera care in Winter

Winter can be a tricky time for aloe vera plants. They are sensitive to huge fluctuations in temperature so to care for them and keep them safe and healthy take care to place them far from vents or drafts. 

If it’s not already there, place your aloe vera close to the window and keep it at temperatures above 30°F. You can also use frost cloths to care for your aloe vera plant during winter. These are specially designed, breathable cloths that will keep your succulent warm and protected during colder months.

As mentioned previously, decrease your water care to no more than once every two weeks.

So, what does a healthy aloe vera plant look like?

A healthy aloe vera plant has blue- or grey-green leaves that are vibrant and young. Any pale discoloration or brown tinges mean your plant is unwell.

Where to find aloe vera plants?

Now you know what an amazing plant aloe vera is, and how to care for it so it thrives in all its juicy glory, there is only one remaining question: where can you find your own to care for?

Luckily, the exceptional plant-provider Plants.com has you covered, with some beautiful aloe vera plants, and even a terracotta grow kit to get you off to a flying start. Find your perfect aloe vera to care for here.

Is aloe vera a desert plant?

Aloe vera can be considered a desert plant because of its ability to survive in the desert through its moisture-filled leaves. 

Is aloe vera a succulent?

Yes, aloe vera is part of the succulent family.

Why does my aloe plant look pale?

The most likely reason is too much sunlight or else sudden changes in sun exposure. Excessive watering and improper draining are other reasons your aloe vera plant could be turning white.

What does an aloe vera plant look like when it’s dying?

The green color of its leaves will fade and become pale, eventually turning brown. If aloe vera is not cared for, its leaf tips will darken and wither.

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