Winter Flowers: Here’s how to maintain them

Winter Flowers: Here’s how to maintain them

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Written byAndrea Pinto on June 4, 2021

When we think of the winter season, we probably think of cold weather, cozy sweaters, and warm drinks. Winter isn’t the season that most of us would commonly associate with flowers or plants, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t find beautiful flowers during the colder months.

However, it’s no secret that it can be more challenging to care for plants during the winter. If you’re an avid plant lover, you want nothing more than to see your plants and flowers thrive year-round. Fear not, there are still many things you can do to keep your winter flowers healthy. In some cases, perennial plants won’t be able to bloom properly during the winter months, but knowing how to care for them will allow them to bloom as soon as spring nears.

Read on to discover the most popular winter flowers and how to maintain them.


Galanthus nivalis, more commonly known as snowdrop flowers, can grow very well in both moderate and cold winters.  While most other plants stop growing under freezing temperatures, snowdrops contain antifreeze proteins (AFPs) that allow them to survive under harsh conditions.

These sturdy perennial plants will produce beautiful white flowers during the winter, and they will thrive in partially shaded spots with well-drained soil. They should be fed after flowering to prepare them for the following year. When spring arrives, you should allow the foliage to decay naturally.


Daphne plants, or Daphne odora, are short-lived shrubs that grow beautiful and fragrant pink flowers during the winter. The shrubs are small, and they can grow to be approximately 1 meter in both height and width, with shiny green foliage.

Daphne shrubs should be planted in partial shade with well-drained soil, since soggy roots can harm your plant and even kill it. The branches should be pruned lightly to avoid deep cuts. You should avoid overwatering your Daphne plant and fertilize it to help it bloom.

Keep in mind that Daphne shrubs are poisonous if ingested. Avoid planting this shrub in areas where children or pets play.

Winter rose

As its name suggests, winter rose or Helleborus is the perfect winter flower. These beautiful flowers come in many colors to brighten up your winter season, from dark plum to cheery yellow.

Winter roses need to be located in sunny spots during the winter and shaded areas during the summer, and they can thrive in partially shaded areas under trees and shrubs. They can also be planted in pots, as long as you take good care of them, and they’re wonderfully resistant to frost. These winter flowers need moist soil as they assimilate to their environment, but once they’re established, they’re quite dry-tolerant.

Cut winter roses have a long shelf life, and you can combine them with other types of winter foliage to create lovely bouquets that will brighten up your home. 


With its vibrant purple flowers, this vine will be able to cheer up even the coldest winter day. Hardenbergia violacea can grow in partial shade during the summer, and full sun during the cooler months. This sturdy climber will flower better in the absence of frost, but it can tolerate frost and drought if necessary.

To maintain its shape, you should prune your hardenbergia regularly, even after it has flowered. These plants will usually bloom for 1 or 2 years before decaying naturally. The good news is that, since it’s such a sturdy plant, you’ll be able to have a new hardenbergia growing in no time.

Lily of the valley

Lily of the valley, or Convallaria majalis, is a low-maintenance plant that produces fragrant white flowers. You should plant lily of the valley during late fall to allow for a proper dormancy period during the winter, ensuring that your plants are ready to bloom.

This plant will do well in full sun to partial shade with nutrient-rich, moist soil. However, they can also adapt to full sun or full shade, depending on how much water you provide. Make sure to cut any dead or sick foliage. You can add a 1-inch layer of compost or manure to help this plant thrive during the winter months. 

Lily of the valley is toxic to humans and other mammals, and it shouldn’t be planted in areas where animals graze or play.


Polyanthus plants (Primula x polyantha) will survive even harsh winters and help signal the coming of spring with their brightly coloured flowers. The plants can be grown indoors until they reach approximately 10 centimeters in height; at this point, you can plant them in outside containers or flower beds in full sun to partial shade. If you wish to plant several polyanthus together, it’s important to place them at least 10 centimeters apart from each other.

Water your polyanthus regularly to prevent them from drying out, and feed them every 1 to 2 weeks to keep them healthy.

Where can you get winter flowers?

At TopFlowerDelivery, we put in the research so you don’t have to! 

Here are our top 10 flower delivery services: 


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